About Me

I’m Sarah, a Cheltenham Psychotherapist specialising in supporting families. I can work with either you, your child, or the entire family unit!

From here in Cheltenham, UK, I’d like to extend a warm and heartfelt offer of support for parents and children all over the globe.

As a Family Coach and Emotional Health Expert, I have over 18 years experience transforming the lives of children and parents.

As a specialist in helping families with highly sensitive children, I offer online parenting courses, as well as one-to-one support for either you, your child, or for you all.

It’s my mission to show parents like you how to take your children from being highly REACTIVE (and out of control emotionally) to highly RESILIENT (and the master of their BIG feelings).

Sarah is a close colleague of mine in Cheltenham as part of the International Association for Evidence Based Psychotherapy. Her level of training, knowledge of Psychology and vast experience makes her excel in her field.

I’ve sought her advice and guidance many times over the years. She has a wonderful sense of intuition when working with parents and children, especially those who are highly sensitive.
— Lorna Denton, Psychotherapist Cheltenham
“ Sarah did not only help my son, but she also helped me to understand myself better. It’s completely changed the way I approach situations, not just with my son but the whole world around me”
— Elaine, Cheltenham

I am a very happy mum to two thriving boys. With over 18 years’ experience working with families with emotionally intense children, alongside my own personal journey, my passion in life is to share the many insights and tools that have been transformational.

I know that there’s nothing more valuable to you than your child’s long-term happiness and wellbeing. You are fully aware that having a close, happy and connected relationship with them is key in helping them to flourish.

There’s nothing you want more. But at present you feel in overwhelm.

Your child’s intense upsets and emotional eruptions are stressful and often feel unmanageable. You have no idea where to go from here. They are fussy, demanding and such trivial things can set them off at the drop of a hat.


"Is there something wrong with them?"
"How will they ever cope with life?"
"Are they unhappy...insecure?"
"Is it my fault?”

The family unit is too frequently unhappy and you HATE being frustrated, or in ‘shouty-boss-parent’ mode. But sometimes it’s all you can do to just get through the day, before climbing into bed exhausted.

It doesn’t have to stay this way.

Sarah provided the perfect plan for progress and we’ve managed to turn our child around. We are no longer walking on those eggshells! Our child has learnt how to cope with his big feelings and his whole mindset is shifting.
— Lisa, Scotland

I support families worldwide with online, in-person ‘walk and talk’ sessions and self-study options.

I can work either with you, your child, or both of you. I also offer group sessions, where you and /or your child can feel a sense of belonging within a wonderful community of those going through the exact same experiences.

Sarah is incredibly personable and easy to talk to. We have learnt so much and our family has benefitted as a whole. The ‘walk and talk’ approach is by far the best for our child and we would recommend Sarah without hesitation.
— Carrie, Cheltenham

If self-study suits you better, I have mapped out an entire roadmap that has taken hundreds of parents from overwhelm, to calm and harmonious households.

You can make wonderful changes at your own pace using my exclusive App, which launched in October 2023. My FREE Parenting Course (within this app) will get you firmly off the starting blocks at no cost to you, and from there you have the option to pay for further courses and support.


You were made to WIN at parenting and whilst it feels challenging now, you are meant to succeed. You found me because you care deeply and you know deep down that you can achieve so much more for your family. I’m here for parents just like you.

You and your family will come out the other side stronger for the experience you’re going through now.

Imagine a life where your days are drama free! You enjoy being in your child’s company and feel able to take them anywhere. The intense upsets or outbursts are a distant memory and your child is developing emotional mastery that fills you with pride and relief.

You’re no long consumed by the fear that something is wrong with them, or that they’re going to grow up to be a problem. Your close and joyful relationship with them is your proudest accomplishment and you feel excited for their future.

Get in touch with me to learn:

  • Why your child's emotional intensity is not something you need to worry about


  • How we can work together to make them happy & secure masters of their emotions and create a calm and harmonious family unit.

My Flourishing Family

I have two thriving boys and have built a connection with them that is simply beautiful and my proudest accomplishment in life.

They are both sensitive children, with one of them very much being Highly Sensitive and Emotionally Intense. So I’ve been in your shoes (and still am, although happily on the other side!).

I totally understand the challenges of parenting a more challenging child (they don’t come with instructions do they?).

My boys are certainly a handful at age 8 and 10 (they have the usual sibling squabbles and they still need to be told a dozen times to brush their teeth and put their shoes on!) but they are flourishing and so is my relationship with them.

This takes work and effort of course, but I’m now very confident that they’re going to grow up with high self-esteem, resilience and feeling empowered wherever life takes them.

This is a wonderful place to be as a parent and you can have this too!

Being a highly sensitive AND emotionally intense child is hard!

I was one too! I have a particularly good (slightly freaky) memory of my own childhood and remember the intensity of emotions I experienced as a child, which has given me invaluable insight and empathy.

There is not enough education and information for parents about this unique trait of High Sensitivity (which is estimated to exist in 30% of children) and how WE can best help our children to grow up happy and resilient. As well as how as parents WE can play a major role in minimising the chance of them developing mental health problems in the future.

I’m so glad you’ve stumbled into my corner of the internet!